SHUT UP! A Caddy Lesson for COVID-19

The second directive to the assembled pre-teens at my first Monday caddy school was to “shut up!” Be Quiet is mentioned FIVE times in the short Western Golf Association Caddy Manual ( I mistakenly thought our caddymaster Pat Higgins meant that only for when we were on the course with our assigned loop. I learned (not too painfully because I had three older brothers caddying) that it was even more important in the caddy yard and around the caddy shack. I’ve been asked “if you could give your professional self two daily words of advice what would they be?” My answer without hesitation – “shut up.”

I was told I was a pretty smart kid but early in my career I couldn’t stop trying to show that I was the smartest guy in the room. It wasn’t usually with my superiors, I guess I viewed them as the golfers I was caddying for, but it was with my co-workers, fellow caddies if you will. Now for that COVID-19 lesson: in today’s normal of video conference meetings just leave the microphone on MUTE until you are ready to speak. If you are interested in adding something of value consider using the “Raise Your Hand” feature (I know Zoom has this) and let your Call Host recognize you.

Some pre and post meeting idle chatter and catching up is appropriate but be mindful every time you unmute your microphone – we’ve all had that “did I just say that?” moment. Keep in mind sarcasm almost never works and it never works on a multiple attendee conference call – video or voice only.

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