Resume Accuracy Isn’t Old School

I’m just checking to be sure I’m not the only one who values a complete and accurate resume’. I love LinkedIn to research a candidate but a recent experience highlighted how critical an accurate resume’ is to even getting an interview.

I contacted a candidate who had the credentials my client was searching for. When I shared the name of my client I received immediate push back. They had applied to the company’s online posting, completed a phone interview but had not been invited for an on-site interview. I probed more deeply in hopes of understanding why such a good match on paper was eliminated so early in the process. They seemed genuinely bothered that the hiring manager had asked for specifics about start and end dates and what they did during certain lengthy gaps in employment. During two of the gaps they were permanently employed but chose not to list those positions on the resume’.

I understand they didn’t want to highlight gaps in permanent employment. I believe not listing permanent employment caused the hiring manager to question the candidate’s integrity and ultimately cost this candidate a chance to pursue an attractive career opportunity.

How do you feel about resume’ accuracy?

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