Not Ghosted!

Let’s begin the new year on a positive note! It is a candidate advantage market and we’ve all heard about employers, and worse yet us recruiters, being ghosted by candidates. Many, including me at times, are prone to hang it on any generation younger than us. Can’t you just hear your parents “I can’t believe they listen to that music!” I’m still listening to The Who but the line from “My Generation“ “Hope I die before I get old” means I’ll keep redefining “old.”

How about this thoughtful response from an early millennial?

Bill, This certainly sounds like a good opportunity, but I don’t think it is right for me. The compensation would not be a significant raise for me and the commute is also a negative. At this point in my career I have committed a significant amount of time at my current employer and gained a level of respect among management. For all these reasons I am going to pass on pursuing this opportunity. Thank you for thinking of me and reaching out.

An excerpt from my response:

Thanks for considering. While I’m disappointed we won’t be pursuing this together I appreciate the way you have considered this opportunity relative to your continued opportunity with your current employer.

Wow, common personal/professional courtesy between an early millennial and a late boomer. It just isn’t that hard. I’ll try and improve mine in 2022. How about you?

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