From My Perspective – New Year’s Resolutions – Whiffed One for 2023

I was committed to writing more in 2023. Yes, I did mail a birthday card with a heartfelt note to each of my 8 living siblings and a couple of hand-written letters to friends. However, this is my first “From My Perspective” since late 2022 so I’m changing from a month-end deadline to the first Thursday of the month. We’ll see how long that works but something had to change!

One thing I have done is stay in touch with family and friends. Sharing pictures via text and WhatsApp of my granddaughter who is now nearly 18 months old, checking in with friends (often by text) about their health or the health of their parents and family members. My old school self often felt guilty about not being more personal and calling but maybe , just maybe, a “meandering” call with me isn’t what someone needed that day. Maybe it matters to them to know they were thought of.

Today, Thursday January 4, 2024 marks the 6th anniversary of losing a close friend. Tom Regensburger was a classic all-around good guy. Many of his friends and family used Tom’s passing to commit to staying in better touch with their friends and family. Don’t wait for grief to motivate you – commit to reaching out to those you care about. Electronically or personally doesn’t matter – just get started and see where it leads.

Now is always the right time to recommit to good habits. I’m recommitting to New Year’s Resolutions. I hope your New Year’s Resolutions are still intact but if not, I’m encouraging you to recommit to yours.

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